However, to be fair, beyond the identical exterior lies the hard work that Apple put forth on the inside. An upgraded processor, an improved antenna, and an all-new camera into the iPhone 4S. The other big story, or should we say, the bigger story with the iPhone 4S is the iOS 5 software upgrade and the voice-controlled personal assistant called Siri. iOS 5 offers over 200 new features to Apple's smartphone platform, most of which are also available to current owners of previous-gen devices.
With the rapid pace at which smartphones are developing, many have called the iterative improvements with the iPhone 4S a mistake, as it seems like every other minute a new Android device is out with better, bigger, faster everything. Despite that, the iPhone 4S gently improves on the popular iPhone 4, and it betters what was already one of the best experiences available to a smartphone buyer. Apple expanded the storage options with the iPhone 4S, and you can now choose a 64GB model in addition to the 16GB and 32GB versions that have been available before.
It's fair to say the iPhone 4 design has stood the test of time well, and it looks just as good now as it did nearly a year and a half ago when we first gazed upon it. The same can't be said for other phones.